Sunday, July 27, 2008

Where to next? Hmmm...

Going to the Land of...

Fjords, Lapland, Vikings, Sami Peoples
Midnight Sun, Northern Lights

Flor og Fjare (Tropical island? Yes!)

Where they say things like...

Ja/Nei, Takk, Vaer sa god
Mor'n, God dag, God kveld, God natt
Morn'a or Ha det

Where I can shop for...

Gnomes, Trolls
Reindeer toys
Sami Jewellery (Silver--my Fav!)

(Akevitt or Dram)

Where I can eat...

Multekrem (cloudberries & whipped cream)

Polse i lompe (hot dog in a tortilla of flour & potatoes)

Geitost/brunost (brown goats' cheese sharp with caramel note)

Reker (shrimps - peel, pile on white bread, squeeze on lemon & mayo, sprinkle with dill)

Laks og eggerore (smoked salmon & scrambled eggs)


Have ya'll guessed it yet?! :o)

Check out this webpage:
Note: Keep an eye out for "Rain In Stavanger" - the next Blog!!! (#3)
Wait for it...maybe in the Fall - Oct or Nov ???

Thursday, July 17, 2008

CFL / Mercury Light Bulbs - Break? Recycle?

CFL = Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs contain Mercury...

If they Break?
Handle as Hazardous Waste...
Whatever you do, don't vacuum a broken bulb,
advises Pamela Schnepper, a toxicologist in the environmental health program at the Department of Environmental Services.

"That will spread it through the house, it will put it in the air, and then the vacuum cleaner will be contaminated.

"Instead, environmental experts advise, ventilate the room and leave it for 15 minutes.

The safest approach is to wear gloves, and use cardboard and duct tape to pick up small pieces and powder, seal everything in a screw-top jar, and store the jar in a safe place until you can dispose of it at a hazardous waste collection.

Where to Recycle?
1 - Home Depot
2 - IKEA
3 - Search on-line:
4 - Search on-line:
"Making Every Day Earth Day"
(Find a Recycling or Re-Use Location on their webpage)
5 - Search on-line: Local Hazardous Household Waste Programs
(TCEQ = Texas Commission on Environmental Quality for Contacts
ie: Harris County
Webpage Link:
Article (READ MORE) - "All Things Considered" on NPR Radio
Excerpts from February 15, 2007 ·

The Environmental Protection Agency and some large business, including Wal-Mart, are aggressively promoting the sale of compact fluorescent light bulbs as a way to save energy and fight global warming. They want Americans to buy many millions of them over the coming years.
But the bulbs contain small amounts of mercury, a neurotoxin, and the companies and federal government haven't come up with effective ways to get Americans to recycle them...

Experts agree that it's not easy for most people to recycle these bulbs. Even cities that have curbside recycling won't take the bulbs. So people have to take them to a hazardous-waste collection day or a special facility...

"The only retailer that I know of that is recycling is IKEA," she says, referring to the Swedish-owned furniture chain store.

Webpage Link to this Article:

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Splaff Flopps, belts, handbags, mirrors...

Splaff Flopps
started in a garage with a tire, a bike tube, and a shoe knife.
The vision was to make a comfortable, long lasting, fairly priced sandal from all recycled materials.
Today Splaff products include sandals, handbags, belts, mirrors, and a coffee table.
They are all made with recycled race car tires and bicycle Inner tubes, regupol (a cushioning material made from used tires which have been chipped and pressed into mats), and hemp.
They are hand-crafted and are produced in a 100% waste free, earth friendly process in which all left over materials are either re-used or recycled.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Trash to Treasure - FreeCycle Network

"Trash to Treasure

FreeCycle Network

Makes sharing fun...5 million Americans have joined more than 4,000 community groups around the globe to give & get good stuff for free from neighbors all around town.

Reuse keeps it out of landfills & everybody's happy.

It's called FreeCycling or FreeSharing & easy to do at:

"It's a place to give or recieve what you have & don't need, or what you need & don't have," note members.

"It makes it possible to clean out the garage without filling up a dumpster."

Members simply register their stuff on the Web, & neighbors they didn't know they had, take it off their hands.

Membership is free.

The only rules are that everything must be offered for free, & no illegal or adult-themed materials are allowed.

The most popular items that folks browse listings for tend to be appliances, furniture & clothing."

Note: article (words) above borrowed from Houston Arts Magazine - May 2008, under their "Global Briefs" section: "News & resources to inspire concerned citizens to work together in building a healthier, stronger society that works for all."


Some say...One man's trash is another man's treasure. -
or some also say...One man's garbage is another man's gold.


And also quoted - from Yahoo Groups for Houston, TX...


Welcome to the Houston Freecycle(TM) Network in Texas,

where one person's trash is another's treasure!

Freecycle is a grassroots environmental movement whose goal is to recycle and reduce waste and landfill space by connecting people who are throwing away unwanted items with others who are seeking the same items (and have a little fun in the process).

No item is too big or too small; but since this is a FREEcycle list and we emphasize gifting, ALL items must be 100% (that's right, you got it) free.

No bartering, trading, buying or selling is allowed.

Please note: NO Live animals, NO weapons, NO offers/requests for money in any form, NO items available only to those over 18 or 21, NO personal ads, NO spam or advertising.

These are ALL strictly prohibited on HoustonFreecycle. Member profiles, member ids, and email addresses must be appropriate for all ages.

The Houston Freecycle Network serves the greater metro Houston, Texas area.The Houston Freecycle Network is on a restricted membership and generates up to 100+ posts a day.

When you sign up, a short application will be sent to you via email. This is done to keep membership local, spammers out, and to verify new members understand what Freecycle is about. Please fill it out and return per instructions. simple, brilliant idea that's changing the world one gift at a time.

Copyright © 2003-2008, The Freecycle Network™ (
All rights reserved. Freecycle and the Freecycle logo are trademarks of The Freecycle Network in the United States and/or other countries."


Monday, June 30, 2008

Write, Get Published & Promote...New e-book!

My Writerly Gal Pal has another new e-book!

I'm borrowing her words (only the "I's" have been changed, hope you don't mind Joyce?!)

Go--Check it out...

She is pleased to announce her latest published effort,"Write, Get Published, and Promote: An Easy e-Guide for New and Aspiring Writers," available at
(Please see reviews posted on the marketplace page).

It's available as download-only, contains useful information that takes writers from the first word written to promotion,includes a coaching aspect to move you forward as a writer, and has lots of active links to connect you to useful resources.

If you're not a writer but know a new or aspiring writer, she invites you to share this email with that person or persons.

As always, a portion of monthly royalties is given to the I AM Foundation to promote literacy for children and adults across the globe.

To see her other two published books, go to

The reviews of the "Guru" book, in particular, are quite amazing.

And she says too, just so you know something delightful, her first two books have been included in the Brooklyn Public Library--on the shelves and in the system.
For "Write, Get Published, and Promote."

It provides more information than the Lulu retail page.

If you know anyone you can forward it to, please do so and make her very, very happy.

The link:
E-Book Description (on

This e-guide came about from critique and writing clients asking me the same questions . . . and the questions they didn’t ask, but should have. New and aspiring writers can enjoy the process and success more, if they understand what’s involved. Not only is writing the first word to promoting yourself covered, but this e-guide has lots of active links to help you expand your experience and success potential. Though the focus is for new writers, anyone who intends to self-publish or wonders which publishing path to take will benefit from the information. You'll find the content is single-spaced and missing lots of white space usually found in e-books. Otherwise, it would be over 100 pages long. Who wants to use that much paper if they can use less? This e-book is packed with valuable information. Comments are that it's user-friendly, concise, and highly informative. Please see Reviews and check out the Preview.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

One for One - TOMS shoes

Spread the Word, Share the TOMS Story...

For every pair you purchase, TOMS will give a pair of shoes to a child in need - One for One

2008 South Africa Shoe Drop
50,000 pairs
2006 Argentina Shoe Drop
10,000 pairs

TOMS - Shoes for Tomorrow

Since its beginning in May 2006, TOMS has given over 10,000 pairs of shoes to children in Argentina & 50,000 pairs in South Africa through the purchases of our caring customers. In 2008 TOMS plans to given 200,000 pairs of shoes to children in need around the world.

Our ongoing community events & Shoe Drops allow Toms supporters & enthusiasts to be a part of this One for One movement.

Get involved: Changing a life begins with a single step...

For every pair you purchase, TOMS will give a pair of shoes to a child in need.

One for One.

Shoes & More TOMS Stuff (like T-shirts) - Buy Online, Find Stores, Read Articles, Get Involved, Gift TOMS, Contact & More...

Under Articles you can read: Oprah Good Guy of the Month - March 2007

Also, they have a New webpage in the works, leave your e-mail address & get more info.

More at:
Note: Here is where you can--Order your white TOMS, Get ideas to paint/decorate/create your own shoes, See events, Upload your photos with TOMS & more...

New Location: Whole Foods Market - Houston, TX

My Personal Note:
As of today I went to Whole Foods Market & saw the local volunteers & many of TOMS shoes, found them to be the funnest/comfest/earth friendly shoes yet?! And they help kids? What better way then to buy & help out at the same time!

You can buy plain ones too for decorating yourselves - if my kids were little & it were summer time & we needed a creative project I'm telling you this would be it for this summer vacation! I also know what all my friends & family are getting for Christmas too! TOMS shoes & stuff?!

Now I'm off to go find the other Whole Foods Market in town with more fun shoes, am in search of ones that fit me (I need a 1/2 size they didn't have today, maybe I was in the store too late...but I will find them - or I can order them too?!)

It's all good & they're doing good works right?!

Let's help where we can help & have fun while we're at it!! I'm all for that :o)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Red Products

What RED Is

(RED) was created by Bono and Bobby Shriver, Chairman of DATA to raise awareness and money for The Global Fund by teaming up with the world's most iconic brands to produce (PRODUCT)RED branded products. A percentage of each (PRODUCT)RED product sold is given to
The Global Fund. The money helps women and children affected by HIV/AIDS in Africa.
What's the meaning of the parentheses or brackets? Well, we call them "the embrace." Each company that becomes (RED) places its logo in this embrace and is then elevated to the power of red. Thus the name -- (PRODUCT)RED.
You, the consumer, can take your purchase to the power of (RED) simply by upgrading your choice. Thus the proposition: (YOU)RED. Be embraced, take your own fine self to the power of (RED). What better way to become a good-looking samaritan?!
The Lazarus Effect

Thanks to the Global Fund and (RED) money that you've helped generate with your (RED) purchase, an extremely effective medicine to treat HIV is becoming widely available to people in Africa. And it's as simple as two pills a day. It's so effective, in fact, it can return a person to vibrant health in about 60 days. Choose (RED) to make an impact.
The (Red) Manifesto

All things being equal, they are not...
Note: read more on the webpage, it's copyrighted...
The Global Fund
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria was established in 2002 with the support of UN Secretary General Kofi Annan and the world's leaders, to dramatically increase resources to fight three of the world's most devastating diseases. Since its creation, the Global Fund has become the dominant financer of programs to fight AIDS, TB and malaria, with $10 billion invested in 136 countries...
The Global Fund has selected established grants with sound performance to receive money raised through (RED). To date, (RED) partners have generated more than $60 million for the Global Fund. No overhead is taken out of these funds – 100% of this money flows to Global Fund financed AIDS grants in Ghana, Rwanda, Swaziland and Lesotho. In these countries this money is helping to finance comprehensive national HIV/AIDS programs led by the ministries of health, to provide antiretroviral treatment for children and adults, to assist in the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV, as well as essential counseling and testing activities to reduce the overall risk of HIV transmission.
Webpage for Red Products: or shop here:

Note: not all the tee-shirts are red, actually only one of them is - for Women & Men

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Art Car Parade

Saturday - May 10, 2008
9:00 - 1:00
Art Car Tailgater

See the entries up close and learn about the vehicles from the artists themselves as they line up along Allen Parkway, Taft to Shepherd before the parade.

Saturday - May 10, 2008 1:00-3:00
More than 250 art car creations

Starts at Taft and Allen Parkway inbound towards downtown, left on Bagby and around Heritage Society, back down Allen Parkway outbound and ends at Shepherd.

Saturday May 10, 2008 3:30-6:30
Party on the Green

Art Car Awards Ceremony and Celebration -follows the parade, Art Cars can travel to the Discovery Green, Houston's new downtown park, for an artists' party featuring live music...
The 2008 Parade Winners will be announced from the main stage at 6:00 pm

The 260+ art cars will be competing for awards in the following 14 categories:

Mayor’s Cup
Parade Participants’ Choice
People's Choice
Best Art Cars (4) - decorated, embellished or augmented 4 or more wheeled vehicles.
Judges select 4 winners in the Best Art Car category.
Best Contraption—carts, chariots, constructions, couches, lawnmowers, wagons, wheelchairs,
wheeled sculptures, oversized inchworms...
Best Cycle—decorated uni-, bi-, tri-cycle, motorized or not, includes scooters.
Whole Foods 365 Daily Driver—art car used as a daily means of transportation.
Best Lowrider—painted, hydraulic, chopped.
Best Music—ensemble on decorated vehicle or marching band.
Best Painted—painted or airbrushed.
Best Performance—show on wheels.
Best Political Statement—political overtones, overt or otherwise.
Greg Blankenship Skater Award — best decorated group or individual on skates.
Carruth Youth Award - Best Entry by Youth Group—created by 4 or more under age 18.



or read more at Wikipedia:

or even more at:

Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Green Way to Dump Electronic Junk

Article from:
Toxic Trade News/ 21 April 2008

The 'green' way to dump electronic junk

Are you trying to rid your house of unwanted technology?
Here's help by Jennifer Alsever (MSNBC contributor), MSNBC

David Best, president of Prism Software, unloads a truck full of old computer equipment during an e-cycling event near the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minn.©Dawn Villella / AP

21 April 2008 – Erik Hodne's Denver basement contains two computers, two printers, a stereo receiver, two VCRs, six cell phones, three cordless phones and two Palm Pilots.
Hodne is not a collector, and the machines carry no sentimental value. But like most Americans, Erik can't figure out what to do with his old tech trash. The 36-year-old surgical tools salesman considered selling some of the items, but he hasn't had time to figure out how much they're worth or how to erase the machines of any personal information.

"I feel guilty throwing them in the trash," said Hodne. "I have got this big 36-inch TV. It's huge. What am I going to do with this thing? Chances are it will go the basement until one day I can figure out what to do with all this stuff."
Millions of Americans are equally perplexed when it comes to disposing of old technology. Between 1980 and 2005, 180 million electronic products accumulated in storage, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. And in 2005, Americans tossed an estimated 1.5 million tons of computers, TVs, scanners, printers, faxing machines and cell phones into the trash.

The piles of e-waste will undoubtedly grow in coming months, as the switch to digital television looms. Starting in February 2009, broadcasters will no longer use analog signals, which means an analog TV that works fine today will be rendered useless without a digital converter box or a subscription to cable or satellite service.
The government has issued discount coupons for people to buy digital converter boxes from electronic retailers, and set up a Web site to answer questions about the digital TV switch, recycling and buying energy-efficient TVs.

So what do you do with your unwanted technology?
Reselling, Donating, Recycling...Choose Carefully


Recycling can save energy and valuable resources, including the mining of precious metals and the manufacturing new plastics. Yet most people do not know where to take their equipment. There are more options than you might realize.

You can go to the EPA site for a list of manufacturers and technology companies that offer recycling and links to their programs.

Waste Management, the $13 billion garbage collection company, is planning to expand aggressively into recycling electronics. The company joined Sony last year to open 75 recycling drop-off sites, and the two companies ultimately plan to open 1,000 locations within 20 miles of 95 percent of the population. “We see it as a huge opportunity in the next three to five years and beyond,” said Waste Management’s Richard Abramowitz. The drop-off centers will recycle Sony products at no cost to consumers. The sites will charge $5 to $50, depending on the market area and size of the equipment, to recycle other brands. To find the nearest drop-off center, you can call 877-439-2795.

Staples recycles laptops, printers, monitors, computers and fax machines at its 1,400 stores for $10 each. The retailer also accepts peripherals like computer mice, keyboards, cell phones, PDAs and rechargeable batteries for free.

Dell Inc. also offers free recycling of Dell branded products with no purchase required and will recycle other branded products with the purchase of a new Dell computer. You can check out their options at Dell's recycling Web site.
You can drop off your old cell phones off at AT&T stores and cell phones, rechargeable batteries and ink cartridges at Best Buy stores. Motorola’s recycling program lets you print prepaid shipping labels online and send in any brand cell phone to be recycled. Participating K-12 schools can earn money for each phone returned. The Collective Good will also collect and recycle your old cell phone.

Or go to & click on their "Eco-Easy" link & then again at Recycling Made Easy

Or go to: E-bay to look up the Rethink Initiative
Or call 1-800GotJunk or go to
Note: I have an old printer/scanner that I'm going to take to be recyled at Staples here in Houston, TX...though I may have to pay a recycle fee, something like 10 bucks, it will be worth it - until more is being done to recycle computer parts here in Houston (there are other places in Texas, for example: Dallas or Austin or San Antonio) & one day it may all become free, or better yet they pay you?! Hah!! :o)

Divine Chocolate

Our Mission and Fair Trade

The mission of Divine Chocolate is to improve the livelihood of smallholder cocoa producers in West Africa by establishing their own dynamic chocolate brand.
We strive to:
=Make a quality and affordable range of Fair Trade chocolate bars accessible to chocolate lovers everywhere.
=Raise awareness of Fair Trade issues among retailers and consumers of all age groups.
=Be highly visible and vocal in the chocolate sector and thereby act as a catalyst for change.
What is Fair Trade?
Fair Trade aims to build dignified trading relationships between consumers in the
North and producers in developing countries. This involves changing the way that conventional international trade works, so that:
=producers receive a guaranteed price for their goods, and the security of long-term trading contracts
=producers benefit from guaranteed minimum health and safety conditions
=producers, their workplace and the environment are not exploited
=strong democratic businesses with real participation develop
=leadership development with gender equity is fostered
=education and training opportunities for producers, especially women, are actively promoted.
Note: They have 70% Dark Chocolate, just bought a bar at Ten Thousand Villages here in Rice Village - Houston, TX - will report on the taste next chance I get?!'s good for you too, really it is?! ;o)
Also check out their Webpage:

Gratitude Sign

The Gratitude Sign

Ever wonder how to say thank you when you see a military person in uniform?

See a simple way to do it from across a room or as you are passing by, say in an airport...

Please click on either of the links below to see a short movie about making "The Gratitude Sign"

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

EARTH DAY 4-22-08

EARTH DAY April 22, 2008 Tuesday

I recycled, recycled, recycled...

I walked, walked, walked...

I watered my plants...

I fed the birds...

Happy Earth, Happy People, Happy All :o)

Whole Planet Foundation

Helping Families Create Prosperity

Empowering Individuals in the Global Community Through Entrepreneurship

Through innovative assistance for entrepreneurship - including direct microcredit loans and tangible support for the other community partnership projects - we seek to unleash the energy and creativity of every human being we work with in order to create wealth and prosperity in emerging economies.

Supplier Alliance

An Alliance of Like-Minded Companies
Planting Seeds of Prosperity around the World

Allegro Coffee Company, Back to Nature, Balance Bar, The Hain Celestial Company, Ito En, Naked Juice, New Chapter, Seventh Generation, Stacy's and Whole Foods Market
pledged $1.05 million to support microlending programs with Whole Planet Foundation!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Qigong (chee-gong)

Is Western Medicine as Steady as a Rock or Does it Just Have a Chip On Its Shoulder?

Finally, after 5,000 years, Qigong makes its point with gentle persuasion.

It only took 5,000 years to catch on in the West, but now that it’s gaining momentum, Qigong is here to stay and spreading like wildfire throughout medical and rehabilitation communities alike. Qigong (pronounced chee-gong) consists of gentle movements and various meditations designed to massage internal organs, balance and strengthen the body’s energies, relax the mind and improve the body’s circulation. Qigong techniques ignite the body’s natural wellbeing and healing ability.

Qigong (meaning 'working with', or 'moving' exercises) has been practiced for centuries in China and is based on ancient therapeutic exercises that were developed for health and wellbeing.

The therapy includes different breathing exercises, moving and stationary poses, mental techniques and meditation practices designed to promote the flow of 'chi' (energy) in the body, increase vitality and flexibility, promote relaxation and heal disease. In China, Qigong is taught in schools and used in clinics and hospitals every day, and its practice has been steadily spreading worldwide.

Its global appeal is partly due to the fact that anyone can practice it. Qigong is a lot easier to learn than tai chi and is a more gentle form of exercise. It can be performed standing, sitting or lying down, making it very suitable for sick, disabled or elderly people.

Qigong can also be practiced while walking or even sitting in front of a computer. It can also heal us when we are sick, it is gentle and relaxing and very easy to practice. Even 10 minutes a day is beneficial, and you will find yourself feeling calm and energized.

It's particularly beneficial for fatigue, stress and joint problems. There are several ways Qigong can help us sleep soundly and more deeply. It is an excellent "stress reducer," and stress reduction is an instantaneous result of practicing Qigong, but there are other benefits as well. If you have trouble sleeping due to chronic pain or suffer from back pain, Qigong can help here, too.

Qigong is a series of ancient Chinese exercises, which use breathing and visualization to improve all areas of human health – physical, mental and spiritual. It has been practiced in China for over 5,000 years. These days, it is widely accepted that Chinese medicine has a lot to offer that our traditional western medicine does not.

Many doctors and clinics in the West are now recommending Qigong to their patients - not as an alternative to western medicine, but more as a complementary companion to our drugs and surgery. Western medicine aims to cure sickness and its symptoms whereas Chinese medicine is more about prevention of disease and enabling us to heal ourselves harmoniously.

The Chinese believe all sickness is caused by blockages in the chi (or qui) energy in the human body. Qigong not only brings more energy into the body, it also balances the energies within it. If the energy is blocked or out of balance for a long period of time, this can lead to disease (dis-ease) in the body. Qigong encourages the body to heal itself by putting the body's yin and yang energy into balance.

The human body is actually designed to heal itself. Trouble comes when it gets stuffed full of junk food, cigarette smoke and exhaust fumes. It is subject to stresses from your job, finances or relatives. It gets flopped on the couch and inundated with TV for hours. Many things, not all of them under our control, can cause energy blockages. Emotional stress, bad diet, changes in the weather, pollution and injury are some causes.

Our modern lifestyle, fast foods and insufficient time to relax all contribute to energy blockages. It’s no wonder we get sick. In the West, our energies need to be at the forefront of our health consciousness as much as the common cold.

One medical doctor at the Qigong Institute states, "Qigong is as important as antibiotics and immunizations." It’s this shift in thinking that will be the only way the West will finally begin to go with the flow and find itself on course and in harmony with total living health.

Article from John Eagle Honda EdgeLine monthly newsletter (sorry for owners only! but maybe they borrowed it from somewhere else, it's an easily Googled subject...)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Stand with Tibet - Support the Dali Lama

Stand With Tibet

Dear friends,

After decades of repression under Chinese rule, the Tibetan people's frustrations have burst onto the streets in protests and riots. With the spotlight of the upcoming Olympic Games now on China, Tibetans are crying out to the world for change.

The Chinese government has said that the protesters who have not yet surrendered "will be punished". Its leaders are right now considering a crucial choice between escalating brutality or dialogue that could determine the future of Tibet, and China.

We can affect this historic choice--China does care about its international reputation. China's President Hu Jintao needs to hear that the 'Made in China' brand and the upcoming Olympics in Beijing can succeed only if he makes the right choice. But it will take an avalanche of global people power to get his attention--and we need it in the next 48 hours.

The Tibetan Nobel peace prize winner and spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama has called for restraint and dialogue: he needs the world's people to support him. Click below now to sign the petition--and tell absolutely everyone you can right away--our goal is 1 million voices united for Tibet:

China's economy is totally dependent on "Made in China" exports that we all buy, and the government is keen to make the Olympics in Beijing this summer a celebration of a new China, respected as a leading world power. China is also a very diverse country with a brutal past and has reason to be concerned about its stability -- some of Tibet's rioters killed innocent people. But President Hu must recognize that the greatest danger to Chinese stability and development comes from hardliners who advocate escalating repression, not from Tibetans who seek dialogue and reform.

We will deliver our petition directly to Chinese officials in London, New York, and Beijing, but it must be a massive number before we deliver the petition. Please forward this email to your address book with a note explaining to your friends why this is important, or use our tell-a-friend tool to email your address book--it will come up after you sign the petition.
The Tibetan people have suffered quietly for decades. It is finally their moment to speak--we must help them be heard.

With hope and respect,
Ricken, Iain, Graziela, Paul, Galit, Pascal, Milena, Ben and the whole Avaaz team

PS - It has been suggested that the Chinese government may block the Avaaz website as a result of this email, and thousands of Avaaz members in China will no longer be able to participate in our community. A poll of Avaaz members over the weekend showed that over 80% of us believed it was still important to act on Tibet despite this terrible potential loss to our community, if we thought we could make a difference. If we are blocked, Avaaz will help maintain the campaign for internet freedom for all Chinese people, so that our members in China can one day rejoin our community.

Here are some links with more information on the Tibetan protests and the Chinese response:BBC News: UN Calls for Restraint in Tibet - Human Right Watch: China Restrain from Violently Attacking Protesters - Associated Press: Tibet Unrest Sparks Global Reaction - New York Times: China Takes Steps to Thwart Reporting on Tibet Protests - --------------------------------------------
ABOUT AVAAZ is an independent, not-for-profit global campaigning organization that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people inform global decision-making. (Avaaz means "voice" in many languages.) Avaaz receives no money from governments or corporations, and is staffed by a global team based in London, Rio de Janeiro, New York, Paris, Washington DC, and Geneva.

Don't forget to check out our Facebook and Myspace pages!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Daylight Saving - A Joke!

Why do we have daylight saving time?

Ben Franklin's Joke

Writer, inventor and American founding father Ben Franklin is often credited (or blamed) for starting daylight saving time. He apparently joked that the people of Paris should be home and in bed as soon as the sun set because horse-drawn coaches -- taxis -- should be banned from the streets at night. He took his facetiousness further by saying the citizens of the City of Lights should be awakened every morning by a blast of cannon fire, and that anyone shuttering their windows from sunrise would be taxed

Franklin was writing with his well-known dry wit. He loved Paris and traveled there frequently. But somehow, his suggestions about going to bed early and rising early planted the notion that he was behind this whole business of changing our clocks to match the sunrise and sunset.

In reality, Englishman William Willett, an avid outdoorsman, gets the credit for all this clock adjusting. The Victorian-era builder and pamphleteer felt that people were missing the best part of every summer day and argued strongly for daylight saving. One of the primary points of his argument was that adjusting our clocks would save money and resources since people would be using artificial lights less if they were up and working when the Sun was up.

Bill Nye the Science Guy - webpage:

Bio: Bill Nye, scientist, engineer, comedian, author and inventor, is the host of two television series: "The 100 Greatest Discoveries," which airs on the Science Channel, and "The Eyes of Nye," which airs on PBS stations. His previous television show, "Bill Nye the Science Guy," won 18 national Emmy Awards in five years. He recently published his fifth book, "Bill Nye the Science Guy's Great Big Book of Tiny Germs." Bill holds a degree in mechanical engineering from Cornell University and in a former career he worked as an engineer at Boeing Co.

Visit his Web site!

Azalea Trail

About The Azalea

The name given to the various spectacular flowering shrubs (genus Rhododendron) of the Heath family that are in full bloom each Spring in Houston, Texas.
These showy flowers flourish at six Houston locations in varying shades of pink, purple, white, red and yellow and are a magnificent sight to behold.

Note - Summarized Tid-bits
from the Garden Club Webpage:
Conservation and Environmental Information

"You must teach your children that the ground beneath their feet is the ashes of our grandfathers. So that they will respect the land tell your children that the earth is rich with the lives of our kin. Teach your children that the earth is our mother. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the earth. Man did not weave the web of life.
He is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web he does to himself."
Chief Seattle 1854
Organic Landscaping Resources in Houston...2007

Bering’s Hardware on Westheimer and Bissonnet
Buchanan’s Nursery in the Heights
Condon Gardens on Hammerly in Spring Valley
Nature’s Way Resources in the Woodlands
Southwest Fertilizer on Bissonnet
Vaughan’s Nursery in Channelview
Wabash Antiques and Feedstore on Washington Avenue


A weed is a plant growing in the wrong place. Weeding eliminates competition for space, nutrients and water. Air circulation is improved with weeding which reduces risk of diseases.
1) Hand picking before going to seed is the best control environmentally, but most labor intensive.
2) Mulching is very effective.
3) Spray weeds with white vinegar. Use weed removal products with low toxicity and rapid decomposition. Always read labels and follow instructions.
4) Spot spray rather than broadcast.
5) Spray at dusk after bees have returned to their hives.

Garden Club Link:
The 73rd Annual Azalea Trail
Sponsored by the
River Oaks Garden Club
Dates: March 7, 8 & 9, 2008
Hours: 11 AM to 6 PM
Seven Admissions: $20.00
Single Site Admissions $5.00
(available at each entrance)

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Charity: Water

Charity: water is a non-profit initiative bringing clean water and basic sanitation into impoverished communities. Since charity: was founded and began activity in August 2006, we have funded the construction of more than 250 wells that, when completed, will provide clean drinking water to 150,000 people. We're just getting started.
You can help, a $2o bottle of charity: water can give a person in Africa clean, safe drinking water for 20 years. 100% goes to direct project costs.
Buy water... (go to link below)
Why water?
Right now, 1.1 Billion people on the planet don't have access to safe, clean drinking water.
That's one in six of us.
Unsafe water and lack of basic sanitation causes 80% of all sickness and disease, and kills more people every year than all forms of violence, including war. Many people in the developing world, usually women and children, walk more than three hours every day to fetch water that is likely to make them sick. Those hours are crucial, preventing many from working or attending school. Additionally, collecting water puts them at greater risk of sexual harassment and assault. Children are especially vulnerable to the consequences of unsafe water. Of the 42,000 deaths that occur every week from unsafe water and a lack of basic sanitation, 90% are children under 5 years old.
Give a $20 bottle of charity: water to a friend or loved one, and provide clean water to a person you've never met for 20 years. 100 % goes to water and sanitation projects on the ground. The bottle comes packaged in a gift tube with a personal note and information about the charity: water initiative.
WHERE DOES THE MONEY GO? Your $20 donations are combined. Depending on varying project and mateiral costs in the countries we work, it can take anywhere from 200 to 600 bottles to build a well. charity: pools the $20’s together, and uses 100 % of the money to build freshwater wells in developing nations.
Don't want the bottle? Buy a virtual bottle and give a person clean water for 20 years.
Buy a virtual bottle $20
Buy a case of water (24) $480
$480, put towards the construction or rehabilitation of a freshwater well can produce the equivalent of more than 7 million bottles of water in Africa.
Buy a case to sell at your school or business...
Give another amount

Charity: is currently funding the construction of more than 268 wells, spring protections and biosand filters in 11 developing nations that range from $3,500 to $12,000. Also included are training programs where our partners teach well maintenance, basic hygiene and sanitation to maximize lifespan and impact of the new water sources. 100 % of your donation will directly fund clean water projects in Africa, India and Bangladesh
Note: on webpage you can also buy tee shirts & hats & the bracelets & the water or the virtual water bottle - plus there are gift baskets you can order, read more on their webpage...
More Local Info:
From March 9 to 27, Ten Thousand Villages, will partner with charity:water to sell $20 bottles of charity:water. That $20 sale can give a person in Africa clean, safe drinking water for 20 years. TTV will also sell charity:water bracelets.
Our charity:water bottle and bracelet sale event is timed to accompany a photography display at Gremillion Gallery (2501 Sunset Blvd.) that depicts the transformative power of these water wells in impoverished areas. The Gremillion Gallery display runs from March 13 to 27.
And, in 6-8 months, Ten Thousand Villages will receive photos and information about how the money we raised in Houston was spent and the direct quality-of-life impact we had the opportunity to provide
Ten Thousand Villages - Houston 2424A Rice Boulevard Houston TX 77005
Gallery Show Link:
Dates: March 13 - March 27, 2008
Artist: FOTOFEST - Scott Harrison, charity:water
Medium: Photography and multimedia exhibit
Reception: Thursday, March 13, 7-9 pm
Location: 2501 Sunset Blvd., Houston, TX 77005

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Bottle Your Style with SIGG

1% For The Planet

SIGG is a proud member of this organization committing 1% of all sales to environmental causes. "1% For The Planet" is an alliance of businesses committed to leveraging our resources to create a healthier planet. "Being environmentally responsible is at the heart of the SIGG brand", states Steve Wasik, President SIGG USA.

Non toxic, eco-friendly

Bottle Your Style

144 bottle designs, 22 interchangeable lids, 1 you.


SIGGnificantly Better BottlesChoose the SIGG style which matches your style. Express your originality and enjoy the functionality and quality of Swiss design with our SIGG Lifestyle Water Bottle collection! Designed to fit your on-the-go lifestyle, our ultra lightweight water bottles are available in a wide array of colors and designs, allowing you to choose the one that best fits your personality. Extruded from a single piece of aluminum, our innovative SIGG Lifestyle Water Bottles is surprisingly rugged, crack-resistant and completely reusable and recyclable. A ground-breaking interior lining is 100% effective against leaching and combats residue build-up, so your SIGG Lifestyle Bottle is easy to clean and ensures that all you taste is the water, juice or the energy drink that you just poured into the bottle, even after its been sitting in the Sun! Customize your bottle with our selection of SIGG Gear and SIGG Accessories! Don't forget to buy SIGG cleaning tablets and SIGG cleaning brushes to maintain your bottle!

Q Q Q (Sigg Switerzerland, click on English)



US Retailers: Whole Foods, Whole Earth Provision,
REI & more...


Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Heart Day


A PUPPY has been born in Japan with a large, clear, love-heart-shaped pattern in his coat. The Chihuahua was born in May as one of a litter to a breeder.

Shop owner Emiko Sakurada said it was the first time a puppy with the marks had been born out of a thousand she had bred .

She had no plans to sell the puppy, which has been named 'Heart-kun'.

The long-coated male Chihuahua puppy was born in Odate, northern Japan

Happy Valentines Day... TOO PRECIOUS NOT TO SHARE ===

Note: Received this today for Valentine's & it is too precious not to share...know though the puppy is grown up now & I hear the owner keeps a Blog going with photo updates too--Enjoy!!(but watch out, if you go to look for the owner & her Blog - it may all be in Japanese?!)