My Writerly Gal Pal has another new e-book!
I'm borrowing her words (only the "I's" have been changed, hope you don't mind Joyce?!)
Go--Check it out...
She is pleased to announce her latest published effort,"Write, Get Published, and Promote: An Easy e-Guide for New and Aspiring Writers," available at www.lulu.com/content/2805803
(Please see reviews posted on the marketplace page).
It's available as download-only, contains useful information that takes writers from the first word written to promotion,includes a coaching aspect to move you forward as a writer, and has lots of active links to connect you to useful resources.
If you're not a writer but know a new or aspiring writer, she invites you to share this email with that person or persons.
As always, a portion of monthly royalties is given to the I AM Foundation to promote literacy for children and adults across the globe.
To see her other two published books, go to http://www.lulu.com/.
The reviews of the "Guru" book, in particular, are quite amazing.
And she says too, just so you know something delightful, her first two books have been included in the Brooklyn Public Library--on the shelves and in the system.
For "Write, Get Published, and Promote."
It provides more information than the Lulu retail page.
If you know anyone you can forward it to, please do so and make her very, very happy.
The link: www.freewebs.com/writegetpubishedandpromote
E-Book Description (on LuLu.com):
This e-guide came about from critique and writing clients asking me the same questions . . . and the questions they didn’t ask, but should have. New and aspiring writers can enjoy the process and success more, if they understand what’s involved. Not only is writing the first word to promoting yourself covered, but this e-guide has lots of active links to help you expand your experience and success potential. Though the focus is for new writers, anyone who intends to self-publish or wonders which publishing path to take will benefit from the information. You'll find the content is single-spaced and missing lots of white space usually found in e-books. Otherwise, it would be over 100 pages long. Who wants to use that much paper if they can use less? This e-book is packed with valuable information. Comments are that it's user-friendly, concise, and highly informative. Please see Reviews and check out the Preview.
I'm borrowing her words (only the "I's" have been changed, hope you don't mind Joyce?!)
Go--Check it out...
She is pleased to announce her latest published effort,"Write, Get Published, and Promote: An Easy e-Guide for New and Aspiring Writers," available at www.lulu.com/content/2805803
(Please see reviews posted on the marketplace page).
It's available as download-only, contains useful information that takes writers from the first word written to promotion,includes a coaching aspect to move you forward as a writer, and has lots of active links to connect you to useful resources.
If you're not a writer but know a new or aspiring writer, she invites you to share this email with that person or persons.
As always, a portion of monthly royalties is given to the I AM Foundation to promote literacy for children and adults across the globe.
To see her other two published books, go to http://www.lulu.com/.
The reviews of the "Guru" book, in particular, are quite amazing.
And she says too, just so you know something delightful, her first two books have been included in the Brooklyn Public Library--on the shelves and in the system.
For "Write, Get Published, and Promote."
It provides more information than the Lulu retail page.
If you know anyone you can forward it to, please do so and make her very, very happy.
The link: www.freewebs.com/writegetpubishedandpromote
E-Book Description (on LuLu.com):
This e-guide came about from critique and writing clients asking me the same questions . . . and the questions they didn’t ask, but should have. New and aspiring writers can enjoy the process and success more, if they understand what’s involved. Not only is writing the first word to promoting yourself covered, but this e-guide has lots of active links to help you expand your experience and success potential. Though the focus is for new writers, anyone who intends to self-publish or wonders which publishing path to take will benefit from the information. You'll find the content is single-spaced and missing lots of white space usually found in e-books. Otherwise, it would be over 100 pages long. Who wants to use that much paper if they can use less? This e-book is packed with valuable information. Comments are that it's user-friendly, concise, and highly informative. Please see Reviews and check out the Preview.
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