Charity: water is a non-profit initiative bringing clean water and basic sanitation into impoverished communities. Since charity: was founded and began activity in August 2006, we have funded the construction of more than 250 wells that, when completed, will provide clean drinking water to 150,000 people. We're just getting started.
You can help, a $2o bottle of charity: water can give a person in Africa clean, safe drinking water for 20 years. 100% goes to direct project costs.
Buy water... (go to link below)
Why water?
Why water?
Right now, 1.1 Billion people on the planet don't have access to safe, clean drinking water.
Right now, 1.1 Billion people on the planet don't have access to safe, clean drinking water.
That's one in six of us.
Unsafe water and lack of basic sanitation causes 80% of all sickness and disease, and kills more people every year than all forms of violence, including war. Many people in the developing world, usually women and children, walk more than three hours every day to fetch water that is likely to make them sick. Those hours are crucial, preventing many from working or attending school. Additionally, collecting water puts them at greater risk of sexual harassment and assault. Children are especially vulnerable to the consequences of unsafe water. Of the 42,000 deaths that occur every week from unsafe water and a lack of basic sanitation, 90% are children under 5 years old.
Unsafe water and lack of basic sanitation causes 80% of all sickness and disease, and kills more people every year than all forms of violence, including war. Many people in the developing world, usually women and children, walk more than three hours every day to fetch water that is likely to make them sick. Those hours are crucial, preventing many from working or attending school. Additionally, collecting water puts them at greater risk of sexual harassment and assault. Children are especially vulnerable to the consequences of unsafe water. Of the 42,000 deaths that occur every week from unsafe water and a lack of basic sanitation, 90% are children under 5 years old.
Give a $20 bottle of charity: water to a friend or loved one, and provide clean water to a person you've never met for 20 years. 100 % goes to water and sanitation projects on the ground. The bottle comes packaged in a gift tube with a personal note and information about the charity: water initiative.
WHERE DOES THE MONEY GO? Your $20 donations are combined. Depending on varying project and mateiral costs in the countries we work, it can take anywhere from 200 to 600 bottles to build a well. charity: pools the $20’s together, and uses 100 % of the money to build freshwater wells in developing nations.
Don't want the bottle? Buy a virtual bottle and give a person clean water for 20 years.
Buy a virtual bottle $20
WHERE DOES THE MONEY GO? Your $20 donations are combined. Depending on varying project and mateiral costs in the countries we work, it can take anywhere from 200 to 600 bottles to build a well. charity: pools the $20’s together, and uses 100 % of the money to build freshwater wells in developing nations.
Don't want the bottle? Buy a virtual bottle and give a person clean water for 20 years.
Buy a virtual bottle $20
Buy a case of water (24) $480
$480, put towards the construction or rehabilitation of a freshwater well can produce the equivalent of more than 7 million bottles of water in Africa.
$480, put towards the construction or rehabilitation of a freshwater well can produce the equivalent of more than 7 million bottles of water in Africa.
Buy a case to sell at your school or business...
Give another amount
Charity: is currently funding the construction of more than 268 wells, spring protections and biosand filters in 11 developing nations that range from $3,500 to $12,000. Also included are training programs where our partners teach well maintenance, basic hygiene and sanitation to maximize lifespan and impact of the new water sources. 100 % of your donation will directly fund clean water projects in Africa, India and Bangladesh
Link: www.charitywater.org/
Give another amount
Charity: is currently funding the construction of more than 268 wells, spring protections and biosand filters in 11 developing nations that range from $3,500 to $12,000. Also included are training programs where our partners teach well maintenance, basic hygiene and sanitation to maximize lifespan and impact of the new water sources. 100 % of your donation will directly fund clean water projects in Africa, India and Bangladesh
Link: www.charitywater.org/
Note: on webpage you can also buy tee shirts & hats & the bracelets & the water or the virtual water bottle - plus there are gift baskets you can order, read more on their webpage...
More Local Info:
From March 9 to 27, Ten Thousand Villages, will partner with charity:water to sell $20 bottles of charity:water. That $20 sale can give a person in Africa clean, safe drinking water for 20 years. TTV will also sell charity:water bracelets.
Our charity:water bottle and bracelet sale event is timed to accompany a photography display at Gremillion Gallery (2501 Sunset Blvd.) that depicts the transformative power of these water wells in impoverished areas. The Gremillion Gallery display runs from March 13 to 27.
And, in 6-8 months, Ten Thousand Villages will receive photos and information about how the money we raised in Houston was spent and the direct quality-of-life impact we had the opportunity to provide
And, in 6-8 months, Ten Thousand Villages will receive photos and information about how the money we raised in Houston was spent and the direct quality-of-life impact we had the opportunity to provide
Store Link: www.tenthousandvillages.com/home.php
Ten Thousand Villages - Houston 2424A Rice Boulevard Houston TX 77005
Gallery Show Link: www.gremillion.com/
Dates: March 13 - March 27, 2008
Artist: FOTOFEST - Scott Harrison, charity:water
Medium: Photography and multimedia exhibit
Reception: Thursday, March 13, 7-9 pm
Dates: March 13 - March 27, 2008
Artist: FOTOFEST - Scott Harrison, charity:water
Medium: Photography and multimedia exhibit
Reception: Thursday, March 13, 7-9 pm
Location: 2501 Sunset Blvd., Houston, TX 77005
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